Do you see yourself as an imposter?

The Well Blog

Life coaches deal with a lot of people suffering from what is known as 'impostor syndrome'. It is often associated with low self-esteem impaired job performance, job satisfaction, burnout and can even lead to anxiety and even depression.

Do you feel like you don't deserve your success, you were lucky in your career or relationship or that you are a fraud?

Have a look at the big 5 imposters and make the steps to change.

Do you see yourself as an imposter?

The perfectionist

Agonises over even the smallest mistakes or flaws

Hold themselves to unattainable standards

See anything less than first place as a failure

Is accused of being a micromanager

The natural genius

Believes they should always be the smart one in the room

They believe in the ‘you either have it or you don’t’ mentality

Get frustrated easily and switch and give up on hobbies/tasks/careers

Used to mastering skills in the past but struggle with the new

The expert

Is very sensitive to even the smallest of constructive criticism

Tend to research, research, research before starting

Avoid promotions, jobs, dating, doing tasks

Even after years of ‘doing’ you still feel like you are not good enough

The individualist

Feel like they can do everything on their own and don’t need help

Always need more time to prepare

Prefer to work alone

See everything as “If you can’t do it by yourself then you’re a failure”

The super-human

Takes on more responsibility and says yes to everything – a people pleaser

Do excessive hours, far more than anyone else

Have a tendency to neglect their health, hobbies, family and friends

Procrastinate on tasks and start to self-sabotage


If any of the above resonate with you then give me a call an let us dispose of this imposter and create the new you.